When students enrol at Mercy Catholic College, the whole family is welcomed to the community as we work in partnership with parents and carers to provide a caring and nurturing environment which enhances student development.
Parents and carers offer strong leadership and support in many aspects of College life including:
The Mercy Catholic College Parent Engagement and Advisory Group (PEAG)
The Mercy Catholic College Parent Engagement and Advisory Group (PEAG) provides the community with a forum for discussion, debate and dialogue on issues concerning the education of young women and the challenges that face parents.
Broken Bay Catholic School Parents
The Broken Bay Catholic School Parents (BBCSP) represents all parents of children attending Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Broken Bay. It is the official body recognised by the Bishop and Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) to represent and support the participation of all parents & carers in our Catholic School communities and strengthen the important partnership between parents & school.
Broken Bay Catholic School Parent aims to:
- Support P&F teams / parent bodies and their parent community;
- Promote and strengthen the parent / parish / school partnership;
- Strengthen the participation, involvement and engagement of all parents in our Catholic schools;
- Keep parents in touch with educational and social issues;
- Promote the Catholic School parent perspective at all levels School, Parish, Cluster, Diocesan and State.
Parent Engagement
Parent engagement is equipping parents to effectively support and encourage their child’s learning and wellbeing. The College works to intentionally provide parents with opportunities to develop their own abilities and skills to contribute and connect to their daughters learning and wellbeing. Parent initiatives offered by the College aim to empower parents and increase parental agency.
The Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (2020) state “In a nutshell, engaging parents can:
- Strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people
- Help build parental networks
- Facilitate the development of positive relationships with teachers and other school staff
- Help families to understand school norms
- Build knowledge about the curriculum
- Be especially important for those parents who did not have positive experience of school themselves, or who come from different cultural backgrounds, or who experience barriers to engaging in their child’s learning.”
Parent convenors, coaches, and managers for sport teams
Students are involved in a large variety of sports, representing the College in weekend competitions in such sports as netball, touch, basketball, soccer, cricket, hockey, tennis, and swimming. Parents take on the roles of convenors, coaches, and managers.
At Mercy Catholic College we maintain links to our heritage and our wider Mercy family
As a member of the Australasian Mercy Secondary Schools Association, we have strong links with all Mercy schools with the aim to further Mercy spirituality and ethos through sharing experience and resources and by providing national and international forums for Mercy educators.
As a member of Mercy 5, the College along with the four other remaining Mercy high schools in Sydney work closely together to continue the Mercy traditions with principals and student meetings.
Mercy Catholic College Alumni
At Mercy Catholic College we believe it is important that the entire Mercy family participate in College events and through the ongoing union of past and present, Mercy traditions and values will be maintained and fostered.
As a College graduate, you are invited to join:
Mercy College Chatswood Alumni on Facebook and become re-acquainted with old friends, re-establish links and maintain your connection with the College.
Follow the College on LinkedIn @MercyCatholicCollegeChatswood
LinkedIn is a great way for you to stay connected with former students and their career pathways. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network on the internet and is used by people across the spectrum of careers from professional services and health care to the arts, trades, and industry.
If you went to the College, please edit your education to connect with our new LinkedIn school page.

We also welcome you to share your knowledge or workplace experiences with current students, be a guest speaker at a College event or volunteer your time please contact mercy@dbb.catholic.edu.au
Shaping the future by pursing excellence and creating boundless opportunities.