We have a College Careers website and you can find the site at:

If you are a student, this will be your first stop in achieving your dream Career! It includes information on Careers, University, TAFE, Gifted and Talented Programmes, Enrichment Activities, Honours Award, Blue and Gold Awards, HSC, UAC, Gap Year, Volunteering, UMAT, Scholarships, Tax File Numbers, ROSA, Work Experience, Coping with Stress, Interest and Ability Tests, Career Tests, Applying for a Job, Writing Resumes and Cover Letters, past HSC Exams, Information for Parents and much, much more!!
Careers information and advice is made available to all students at Mercy Catholic College from Year 7 through to Year 12. Students can also book times to have individual interviews with the Careers Adviser and the Year Co-ordinator to ensure that flexibility exists to maximize career options at the end of Year 12. Parents are also welcome to contact the Careers Adviser to discuss student career options.
Throughout the year, the Careers Adviser conducts information sessions with senior students. Special lunchtime information sessions are also arranged, providing students with an opportunity to gain in-depth information and speak directly with tertiary representatives from universities, TAFE and private colleges.
A weekly Mercy Catholic College Careers Newsletter email is sent to all senior students, together with invitations for career events such as expos, information evenings and university open days. These will have lots of relevant information, important dates and details of any Enrichment and Gifted and Talented activities/competitions.
To view any past Mercy Catholic College Career Newsletters visit: