About Us
Contact Us

Contact Details


101 Archer Street, Chatswood NSW 2067

Office Hours

8am to 4pm each weekday during school term.




(02) 7256 2120


Account Enquiries

Contact College Business Manager, Kathleen Parker

Enrolment Enquiries

New enquiries should first complete the CSBB  Enrolment Enquiry Form
(This form is not the College enrolment form) alternatively contact our College Registrar, Kirsteen Fisscher

Student Absence

Partial Absence – Student signs in and out via Compass Portal at Student Reception
Student provides note from parent explaining partial absence OR parent emails reason to SMCCC.Absentees@dbb.catholic.edu.au. Parents do not enter partial absence on Compass
Short-term Absence (1 – 2 days) – Enter the full day absence on Compass OR email SMCCC.Absentees@dbb.catholic.edu.au OR advise College Reception on 02 7256 2120 before 8:30am
Extended Absence (3 or more days) – From time-to-time families require leave outside of school holidays. A letter of application, addressed to the Principal, should be sent to mercy@dbb.catholic.edu.au well in advance.
*Medical absences of 3 days or more require a medical certificate on your daughters return.

College Uniform

Summer Uniform
• Summer dress
• Short white, plain ankle socks
• Black, lace-up leather school shoes
• The College jumper or blazer may be worn with Summer uniform.

Winter Uniform
• Years 7-12: College kilt, blouse (Year 7-10 light blue; Year 11-12 white), jumper, blazer
• Pale grey tights/stockings
• Black, lace-up leather school shoes
• Plain navy or black scarf (if required)
• College blazer is to be worn as the outer garment in Term 2 and 3

Uniforms can be purchased at Midford


MCC P&F have created a community driven Facebook Group for selling pre-loved MCC uniforms, texbooks and other co-curricular items. This provides the Mercy families a commission free way to on-sell uniforms and books within the Mercy community and a great environmentally sustainable initiative.

To gain access to MCC pre-loved Facebook Group you need to be an existing member in one of the Mercy Facebook Year groups as the MCC pre-loved group is only for current Mercy parents.


College Bell Times

Students are expected to be at Mercy College by 8:30am

Period Times                           |   Alt. Tue – Day 2

First Bell

8:35am students to organise books and bags

Tutor Group

8:45am to 9:00am      |  8:40am to 8:55am

Period 1

9:00am to 10:00am    |  8:55am to 9:50am

Period 2

10:00am to 11:00am   |  9:50am to 10:45am


11:00am to 11:20am    |  10:45am to 11:05am

Period 3

11:25am to 12:25pm    |  11:07am to 12:02pm

Period 4

12:25pm to 1:25pm     |  12:02pm to 12:57pm


1:25pm to 2:05pm      |  12:57pm to 1:27pm

Period 5

2:10pm to 3:10pm      |  1:30pm to 2:25pm 


College Communications

The COMPASS School Manager online portal is our primary method of providing a communication platform between students, families and the College.

Parents/Carers can log on to Compass to:

  • access your child’s Semester and Interim Reports
  • view up-to-date class and school attendance information
  • access information and news regarding current and future events
  • download excursion forms and information
  • accessing Parent/Student/Teacher conference
  • update your registered email and mobile number details.
  • and much more

The Compass application can be accessed via multiple devices – so having a computer and phone application is beneficial.

To access the Compass Parent Portal go to: https://mccdbb-nsw.compass.education

Or download the App:

College Canteen

The College has an onsite Canteen operated independently by Yummy Bears Kiosk.

For more information visit here